


“Unfortunately my friends when I take Stars to The Golden House I can’t fit their full journeys into my masterpiece REEL movies. Sometimes I have 7 minutes of story which I have to cut their parts into 7 seconds in REEL. The SlasherVictims Volumes are only way to see complete story of every Star!” -Sv666

At over 3 hours and 20 minutes, SlasherVictims Vol.1 features the first 20 Stars that genius director SlasherVictim666 made famous. On top of that, it includes videos such as Devi Harrison and The Challenges which featured Stars who never finished their journey. During the DVD, SlasherVictim666 speaks periodically, introducing the videos and what the Stars meant to him.

If you want to see the story of SlasherVictim666 watch the REEL movies, but if you want to see the stories of all the Stars watch the SlasherVictims.

As a bonus, each DVD is personally signed and numbered by SlasherVictim666 and includes a one of a kind message!

DVD Listing

1 | 02:28 | Sv666 Intro

2 | 06:12 | SlasherVictim1 | Todd Smith (Remember When REEL Montage)

3 | 11:32 | SlasherVictim2 | Jenn Milligan

4 | 03:09 | Sv666 Speaks

5 | 08:11 | SlasherVictim3 | Sarah Hawkins

6 | 07:52 | SlasherVictim4 | Ruth Manor

7 | 08:16 | SlasherVictim5 | Lexi Davis

8 | 06:32 | SlasherVictim6 | Amanda Silver

9 | 09:35 | Devi Harrison

10 | 03:21 | Sv666 Speaks

11 | 06:36 | SlasherVictim7 | Tamira Hill (Missing Jane Remix)

12 | 07:13 | SlasherVictim8 | Rick Andras

13 | 02:00 | Sv666 Speaks

14 | 14:33 | SlasherVictim9 | Todd Smith the Second

15 | 02:07 | Sv666 Speaks

16 | 06:43 | SlasherVictim10 | Vanessa Saivetz

17 | 05:19 | SlasherVictim11 & SlasherVictim12 | Caleb Dubois & Hayley Watts (Through the Eyes of a Director)

18 | 01:26 | Sv666 Speaks

19 | 09:01 | SlasherVictim13 | Cheryl Gibson (Follow The Christmas Star!)

20 | 01:43 | Sv666 Speaks

21 | 20:43 | SlasherVictim14 & SlasherVictim15 | Dave Strachan & Saad Basra

22 | 01:22 | Sv666 Speaks

23 | 22:13 | The Challenges

24 | 02:06 | Sv666 Speaks

25 | 25:09 | SlasherVictim16 & SlasherVictim17 | Myles Mikhailov & Lauren Greene

26 | 02:55 | Sv666 Outro

27 | 05:29 | SlasherVictim18, SlasherVictim19 & SlasherVictim20 | Patton Rice, Ethan Turner & Assistant Jane (REEL 2 RIP Montage)


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